繁體小說網 - 曆史軍事 - 傲慢與偏見1 - 第120章
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“You know pretty well,I suppose,what has been done for the young people.His debts are to be paid,amounting,I believe,to considerably more than a thousand pounds, another thousand in addition to her own settled upon her, and his commission purchased.The reason why all this was to be done by him alone, was such as I have given above.It was owing to him,to his reserve and want of proper consideration, that Wickham's character had been so misunderstood,and consequently that he had been received and noticed as he was.Perhaps there was some truth in this;though I doubt whether his reserve,or anybody's reserve,can be answerable for the event.But in spite of all this fine talking, my dear Lizzy, you may rest perfectly assured that your uncle would never have yielded, if we had not given him credit for another interest in the affair.

“They battled it together for a long time,which was more than either the gentleman or lady concerned in it deserved.But at last your uncle was forced to yield, and instead of being allowed to be of use to his niece,was forced to put up with only having the probable credit of it,which went sorely against the grain;and I really believe your letter this morning gave him great pleasure, because it required an explanation that would rob him of his borrowed feathers, and give the praise where it was due. But, Lizzy,this must go no farther than yourself,or Jane at most.