繁體小說網 - 言情小說 - 差一點我就碰到月亮 - 第458章 提名

第458章 提名[第1頁/共4頁]

“Yea I saw that email.”溫頌點點頭,和她一起麵劈麵坐在沙發上笑著說,“so fortunate our group’s findings nominated for the Nobel Prize.”




Ferrero傳授笑笑,表示溫頌不消焦急,緊接著微微皺眉,但還是淺笑著對溫頌說: “Iseylia, I have something else must tell you and I hope you won’t be upset…”



“Yea I see.”Ferrero傳授也笑著說道,“You looks a little tired, but more ambitious, that’s a good thing. Anyway, eat well, rest well, I believe you’ll be the first professor to the space in our faculty.””

溫頌謝過了她的美意,又問道:“So for the further research, at present, we just proposed a theory while still need sufficient evidence to make it more convincing…Do you have any opinions?”


拍門聲剛一響起,Ferrero傳授就給她開了門,擁抱了一下溫頌衝動地說:“Iseylia! Congratulations!”


又對程澈解釋道:“Main finding is dark matter particles aren’t only present in the outer regions of galaxies. Briefly, SIDM affect the formation and evolution of galaxies by altering the structure and dynamics of the dark matter halo, as well as the internal structure of clusters of galaxies through energy and momentum transfer, and affect the density and temperature of star-forming regions.”