繁體小說網 - 言情小說 - 差一點我就碰到月亮 - 第552章 不是行星

第552章 不是行星[第3頁/共3頁]

緊接著便翻開了房門,一邊開門一邊彎下腰笑著問道:“Astridy, Was ist so sp?t noch auf? Etwas für Papa Mama?”





"exactly."溫頌也點點頭接話道,“our assumption is accurate, it's a newly formed brown dwarf, and the so-called circumstellar disks are actually its protoplanetary disks.”

司遙又對溫頌說:“I also saw the report from Christian, just like our assumption, J1654-a is not a planet, we previously thought of as its circumstellar disks are actually protoplanetary disks activity during the aggregation process.”
