第1442章 狡猾碰狡猾[第2頁/共5頁]
看著這個美國甲士我笑著搖點頭說:“No way! Our current location is anchored on a temporary military dock in Japan. The patrols on the dock are very strict, and your appearance and size will be discovered as soon as you get off the ship. I noticed that there are several searchlights on the“observation deck“ around the dock! And the Japanese night patrol must have dogs! So not now! But you can go up on the deck and take down the pictures here, make a“ruler“, and our ship will soon be towed to the nearby civilian dock. When you arrive, you and the loading workers will disembark together, and I will have my people help you with the weapons!(注:不可!我們現的位置在日本臨時軍用船埠上停靠,船埠上的巡查日軍非常嚴,並且你們的邊幅和個頭,一下船就會被髮明,我重視察看了船埠周邊的“瞭望臺”上麵都有幾個探照燈!並且日本人夜裡巡羅必定有狗!以是現在不成以!但你能夠上船麵把這裡的丹青下來,做好“尺標”,然後我們的船很快就會被拖到中間的民用船埠,到了後你們和裝貨的工人一起下船,兵器我會讓我的人幫你們帶下去!”).......