繁體小說網 - 玄幻奇幻 - 媽咪17歲:天才兒子腹黑爹 - 一朵鏗鏘玫瑰 64

一朵鏗鏘玫瑰 64[第1頁/共1頁]

<bore day and i make it through the wind blows as shadows grow close don't be afraid

<ive in

隻要我多存活一天 我就要克服這風雨

<ore day and i make it through the rain


it's okay, what you sahrough t e i feel afraid i hold tighter to my faith

don't hesitate, stand tall and say<hroughe i feel afraid i hold tighter to my faith


whroughe i feel afraid i hold tighter to my faith


and you feel so far away<b't find your here alone



就像這首歌的歌名一樣,《through the rain》。

你將會安然無恙 以是請持之以恒<o prevail

you will make it through the rain


<bore day and i make it through the rain<)


<b you chey tell you you'll never pull through
